Monday, December 28, 2009

Weekly Words of Wisdom

This time of year, many folks are setting goals for the coming year. So here are a few encouraging words of wisdom about setting and achieving your goals in the coming new year. - LH

"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our minds what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose..." ~Ronald Reagan

"Once you've established the goals you want and the price you're willing to pay, you can ignore the minor hurts, the opponent's pressure, and the temporary setbacks." ~ Vince Lombardi

"Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity." ~ Louis Pasteur

"It is when things go hardest, when life becomes most trying, that there is greatest need for having a fixed goal." ~ B.C. Forbes

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." ~ Henry Ford

"Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal." ~Vince Lombardi

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Words of Wisdom

Christ sends none away empty but those who are full of themselves.

—Donald Gray Barnhouse (Pennsylvania pastor)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Weekly Words of Wisdom

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.

~Teddy Roosevelt

Monday, December 14, 2009

Weekly Words of Wisdom

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.

~ Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wear the Pants

I saw this posted on Doug's blog, and have to agree...It is suprising that Dockers would say something so politically incorrect, even though it is correct. It shows once again that whether they like it or not, even those who would mock the Bible and what it says end up realizing it is truth.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Weekly Words of Widsom

A family is a place where principles are hammered and honed on the anvil of everyday living.

—Charles Swindoll