I was talking last night with a dear brother who was sharing something that happened to a good friend of his in the Valdosta, Georgia area. His friend's middle school-aged daughter came home from school and said that at school that day they had to practice putting condoms on cucumbers. Her father is a pastor at a local church and was a bit miffed that this type of thing would be the topic of instruction at the school. He went to the school to talk to the teacher, but the teacher said that they (the teachers) do not have to answer to the parents, and that they are taught and trained not to respond or reply to the parents. So the public schools want you to give them your kids and allow them to teach your kids what ever they want with no questions allowed from the parents. Public schools are a dangerous place, and any Christian parent that allows their children to be subjected to that type of anti-Christian indoctrination is making a huge mistake. The schools are actively engaged in evangelizing children in the agenda of the anti-God atheists and homosexuals. They promote lifestyles and an agenda that is hostile to living a Christian life. Putting your kids in public schools is putting your kids in the hands of Satan. While there are several school teachers I know that are good Christian people, the overall agenda of the public school education system is to teach and promote an anti-family type of lifestyle that is in opposition to the Word of God.
For yet more reasons not to put your kids in public schools, go rent or buy the video documentary "
Expelled" by Ben Stein. This video documents how academic dishonesty rules in the science classroom, and how the academic intelligentsia wants to teach neo-Darwinistic evolution despite the fact that numerous credentialed scientists are beginning to show the holes in that theory. For still more reasons to avoid putting your kids in public schools,
click here.