Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hate Crime Laws in Canada

If you would like a glimpse of what may be in our future if some of the so-called "hate crimes" bills that have been proposed would pass, we need look no farther than our neighbors to the North. Canada has passed very strict and liberal "hate crimes" laws that are being used to attempt to silence Christians throughout Canada. Consider this e-mail message that I received this morning:

Rev. Stephen Boissoin was hauled before Alberta's human rights commission over a complaint from a teacher with a Messianic complex. This teacher accused Rev. Boissoin of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation over a letter criticising homosexuality that was published in the Red Deer Advocate.

The human rights commission found Rev. Boissoin guilty of discrimination and hate. The adjudicator has banned Rev. Boissoin from preaching the Gospel. This militantly state-ist ruling is one of the most aggressive attempts yet in Canada to stamp out public Christianity.
Alberta's provincial government intervened in the case on the side of the commission and the complainant, against Rev. Boissoin.

The "human rights" commissioner also ordered Rev. Boissoin to issue a - false, if necessary - apology for his written comments. He was also ordered to pay money to the complainant for hurt feelings even though the complainant was supposedly fighting on behalf of homosexuals, not for himself.

Rev. Stephen Boissoin fears God and has refused to comply with this "human rights" decision. Instead, he has appealed the decision into Alberta's court system.

We Christians in the US need to see that we don't end up with this type of tyranny of thought; that we are continually able to speak the TRUTH of God's Word, whether it is politically correct or not. We must be vigilant in defense of our Constitutional freedom of speech.

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